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Updates a Survey element

Validates a Survey (including logic)

Path Parameters
    projectId string required
    surveyId string required
    elementId string required
Request Body
    attributes object nullable

    Gets or sets the attributes.

    property name* string
    description string nullable

    Gets or sets the description.

    eTag string nullable

    Gets or sets the etag.

    elements object[] nullable

    Gets or sets the elements.

  • Array [
  • attributes object nullable
    property name* string nullable
    contentValue string nullable
    customQuestionId string nullable
    customQuestionProperties object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • choices object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • text string nullable
    value string nullable
  • ]
  • description string nullable
    group string nullable
    id string nullable
    name string nullable
    type string nullable
    value nullable
  • ]
  • elements undefined[] nullable
    inlineCss string nullable
    internalCustomQuestionQno string nullable
    internalCustomQuestionSubqIndex int32
    isDisabled boolean
    isReference boolean
    metadata nullable
    referenceDisabled boolean
    referenceDisplayLabel string nullable
    referenceDisplayTexts object nullable
    property name* string nullable
    referenceId string nullable
    referenceQuesTypes string[] nullable
    referenceQuotaId string nullable
    script string nullable
    textValues object nullable
    property name* string nullable
    type string nullable
    xVisualisation object
    properties object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • id string nullable
    value nullable
  • ]
  • type string nullable
  • ]
  • inlineCss string nullable

    Gets or sets the style (info elements only).

    name string nullable

    Gets or sets the name.

    script string nullable

    Gets or sets the script (info elements only).

    tags object[] nullable

    Gets or sets the tags.

  • Array [
  • id string nullable
    name string nullable
  • ]

