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Shares a project

Shares a specific project

Path Parameters
    projectId string required

    Project ID.

Request Body required

The following are required:(sharedByName, accessMode) accessMode: either readonly or collaborative.

    accessMode string nullable
    invitedUsersCanShareInternally boolean nullable
    shareFunctionalities object nullable
    analysisActions object nullable
    createQuestions boolean nullable
    createWeightSet boolean nullable
    exportToExcel boolean nullable
    exportToPpt boolean nullable
    exportToWord boolean nullable
    analysisTypes object nullable
    chart boolean nullable
    crossTable boolean nullable
    data boolean nullable
    dig boolean nullable
    qTable boolean nullable
    report boolean nullable
    script boolean nullable
    topline boolean nullable
    sharedById string nullable
    sharedByMessage string nullable
    sharedByName string nullable
    sharedDateUtc date-time nullable

