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Copy dataset

Copies a dataset to a project

Path Parameters
    projectId string required

    The source project Id.

    datasetId string required

    The dataset Id.

    toProjectId string required

    The target project Id.

Request Body required

The request body.

    description string nullable
    name string nullable
    tags object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • id string nullable
    name string nullable
  • ]

The copied dataset.

    createdById string nullable
    createdByName string nullable
    createdByToolId string nullable
    createdUtc date-time nullable
    customerId string nullable
    description string nullable
    id string nullable
    interviews int32 nullable
    isDeleted boolean nullable
    isToolResult boolean nullable
    lastModifiedById string nullable
    lastModifiedByName string nullable
    lastModifiedUtc date-time nullable
    name string nullable
    projectId string nullable
    readReceipts object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • timeStamp date-time nullable
    userId string nullable
    userName string nullable
  • ]
  • size int64 nullable
    tags object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • id string nullable
    name string nullable
  • ]
  • type string nullable