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Add answers to categories (Coding tool)

Adds one or many answers to one or many categories, non-existent categories will be created

Path Parameters
    projectId string required

    Project ID

    workflowId string required

    Workflow ID

    toolId string required

    Tool ID

    codeMapId string required

    Code map ID

Request Body required

Arrays of category codes and text IDs

    categoryCodes int32[] nullable
    textIds string[] nullable

Updated answers and categories

    categories object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • code int32 nullable
    id string nullable
    oaToInc string[] nullable
    text string nullable
    type int32

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    Default value: 0

  • ]
  • updatedRespondentAnswers object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • c int32 nullable
    id string nullable
    isCoded boolean nullable
    isDeleted boolean nullable
    isSplit boolean nullable
    isWildcardExpression boolean nullable
    splitId string nullable
    t string nullable
  • ]